The Journal of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargaming

 [Ragnarok #44 cover]

Issue 44 contains the following:

Service To The State, Glory To The Race
S M Stirling's The Domination of The Draka, part 1
Blades in the Woods
Robin Hood in Hordes of the Things
Fantastic Monster Battles
Medieval adaptation of Trash Tokyo
War at sea for Aeronef
SFSFW Awards 2004
The Melting Pot
Reviews of miniatures from Citadel (Games Workshop), Forge World, Ground Zero Games, IE Miniatures and Reaper
Figured Out
Comparisons of Robin Hood and Buffy-like wargames figures
The Rules of War
Reviews of Star Wars Collectable Miniatures Game - Rebel Storm, The Hammer's Slammers Handbook, Try-To-Survive-Asaurus, and Lord of the Rings - The Battle of Pelennor Fields.